Codeigniter route problem


I used server2go and exeoutput with codeigniter framework.
Homepage works, but routing subpages dosen’t work.

It gives the following error.

File not found: books\book-2

i edit the [Server2Go]\server\config_tpl\httpd.conf file like that.

#LoadModule rewrite_module modules/ => LoadModule rewrite_module modules/

AllowOverride None => AllowOverride All

but still dosen’t work

please help.

Looks like more a server2go problem. Try to post the query on their support forum.

Thanks for reply. But the cause of the problem is not server2go.
I created a new and simple project wihtout database(server2go). Like taht:

app/config/routes.php =>
$route[‘book’] = “home/book/”;

app/controler/home.php =>

public function book()
echo “Hello World!”;

The same problem continues.

ExeOutput Viewer Error

The following error has occurred. Please press Back to return to the previous page or contact the author of this program for further information.

File not found: book

Is your website based on .htaccess rewrite rules?

Yes. I’m using rewrite rule.
.htaccess like that.

RewriteEngine On

RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php/$1

That may be the problem. htaccess are only for Apache, ExeOutput doesn’t handle them.