How to protect ebooks from 'SNIPPING TOOL' application on windows

I experienced data stealing on ebook that I have created with HTML Executable. My ebook contains formulations and secret steps in problem solving. That data stealing was done by using the application ‘snipping tool’ or some kind of screen shoot application.

  1. Does HTML Executable provides anti ‘Snipping tool’ feature or anti screen shoot application?
  2. Is HTML Executable able to give protection, so that when somebody open our eBooks, they cannot open another application?
    Thank you in advance

Which version of HTMLEXE are you using? If you are using an old version, that would explain why screenshot tools still work for your ebook. See our demo page here:

Anyway, as long as someone can see your secret formulas, nothing prevents him from taking a picture with a real camera or his phone… And you won’t have any software protection on the world to prevent that!

I am using HTML Executable v. 4.7. Thank you for your help.

Use HTMLEXE 4.9.1. v4.7 hasn’t the new anti-screenshot feature to prevent screenshots.