HTML Executable 4.9.1 is available - November 15th, 2016

HTML Executable 4.9.1 is available

Turn your websites, HTML and PDF files into secure ebooks or apps for Windows. Our ebook compiler has been updated with great new features: enhanced video and audio streaming support, Web Update for your ebooks, external file encryption (large audio and video files) and much more. Upgrade is highly recommended if your maintenance is still active.

Changes in version 4.9.1:

  • New compression method to bring more responsive ebooks: this method doesn’t unpack data to memory fully but by chunks, which increases the loading speed of large files and the ebook’s responsiveness. It is automatically selected by HTML Executable for compressing source files larger than 1 MB. You can also enable it for any source file thanks to the new file property: “Use streaming-compatible compression method”.
  • Improved loading speed and memory usage when playing large audio and video files compressed in EXE files and not in external files.
  • Fixed random thread deadlock when compiling or starting a new project on some computers.
  • Removed the anti-debugger option which triggered some antivirus false positives.
  • Increased length of the “what’s new” text in Web Update and tip about inserting multiple lines.
  • Improved scanning of source files when starting a new project.
  • Changed system ID method that uses the hard disk’s manufacturer serial ID. Warning: this can break existing hardware-locked keys, you will have to provide your end users with new hardware-locked registration keys.
  • New global variable “herestartwebupt” for Web Updates: now you have a way to notify users that their publication has been updated after a successful web update. Check the documentation for an example.
  • Fixed: the red cross button of the PDF viewer’s toolbar was always visible in HTML viewer publications.
  • Fixed: “Could not register tab” error at startup on Windows PC tablets.
  • Fixed: the built-in HTTP server was always started at publication startup although it wasn’t necessary.
  • Improved: in some cases, a simple error message box is displayed now rather than the full error report dialog box.
  • Updated virtualization engine, PDF viewer engine.

Compatibility for projects made with previous versions of HTML Executable

A change in system ID method that uses the hard disk’s manufacturer serial ID can break existing hardware-locked keys, so you will have to provide your end users with new hardware-locked registration keys.

Runtime modules for version 4.9.1 are compatible with publications made by versions 4.9.0, 4.8 but not compatible with publications made with previous versions of HTML Executable (4.7 and lower).

The full change log is available here

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