Menu link to License agreement- SOLVED

Hello is there any way to link a menu item to the custom userLicenseDialog so that when it is clicked from the menu users can review the license agreement.

We suppose you followed the instructions of the readme.txt available at C:\Program Files (x86)\HTML Executable 4\CustomDialogs
Your UserMain script should then have this code:
edit the “UserMain” script.
And add this code:

procedure ShowLicenseAgreement;
// Should we display the license agreement ?
if GetGlobalVar(“licagree”, “0”) <> “1” then
DisplayCustomDialog(“userLicenseDialog”, true);
if GetGlobalVar(“licagree”, “0”) <> “1” then
// User pressed ALT+F4 to close the screen.

In the Menu Editor, create the menu item you want and choose “Execute this script function” then type:

I figured it out…I believe because of the line GetGlobalVar("licagree", "0") <> "1" once the pub was ran for the first time and the user clicks ok to agree it stores the response. Therefore if you linked the menu item to theshowLicenseAgreement; Usermain Script it would not have ran again. What I did is placed this code procedure ShowEULA; begin DisplayCustomDialog("userLicenseDialog", true) ;end; in the User Scripting under Marcos and it worked for me.