2024.2 Compilation error

CEF (older version to), Compilation error.
Only webview2 without error.
System up-to-date. CEF runtime cache cleared.
What to do ??


Verify that the file libcef.dll exists at
C:\Program Files (x86)\GDG Software\ExeOutput for PHP 2024\CEFRuntimeW7
it’s about 163 Mb.
If not, please try to reinstall ExeOutput and run the web update tool again.

Did complete new install. (Cleaned everything first.) Stil the same problem.

You wrote about HTML Executable, but on the screenshot, it appears that you are looking into the “ExeOutput for PHP” folder. They are not the same software.
Could you please check again?

Correct, just as your instruction was. However, it is indeed HTML Executable. And (the same) DLL is present, but in a different folder. See screensave. Anyway, after trying everything, still the same message.

Also tried on another PC. Again and again this message. Can you provide a solution please?

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