About box and error message settings

Every time I change the contents of about box and error page it only works for that session.

If I reopen (even on same project) the about box and error message returns to default?

How do make my changes permanent?

Have given up on the about box being blank most of the time, but how about making my changes permanent and restored on each startup?

Also,you cannot import the mods you have made.

Using the export XML and attempting to import results in blank page.

Hummm. Has support taken a vacation after their hard work on V2 :wink:

We’ll check that problem, thank you.

Any word on this?

Real pain that V2 will not save custom error messages / page. nor will it retain the custom css or about message.

Everytime opening a project have to customize these settings as not saved on close.


A new update is scheduled for in one or two weeks. We are upgrading our compiler and its libraries. Also waiting for updates of some libraries necessary to build ExeOutput.

Ok, good enough. Thanks!

Any progress on new release?

Got some delay but it’s coming

Totally understand delays, on a very long one myself:)

Do you have any idea when update released? Week, month, year?

Few things I would like to test and see if EXEOut is going to be a viable solution over our old way of creating software.


Good news. This is fixed in the update coming tomorrow.