Is there a way to fix this problem without upgrading?
I am not upgrading because I am not paying the extra to renew my code-signing certificate plus the cost of this program. I would like for my existing users to be able to continue using the spreadsheet they have already purchased.
Unfortunately, if your maintenance has expired, you will need to renew it to receive updates. We are unable to offer lifetime free updates, as we also have our own production costs, employee fees, annual licensing fees, and subscription expenses.
However, we do provide discounts for existing customers, unlike some other vendors who have moved to annual subscriptions at full price or even increased their rates over time.
Thanks for the response. While I understand requiring maintenance fees for upgrades, a bug fix that renders the application unusable should be provided to your customers at no cost.
There was at least one time in the past that no update was provided for over a year. That is ridiculous. That is the reason I didn’t renew.
Thanks for what you do. If your company had to provide fixes separately for every past release when a bug was found, then the cost of deploying another update or maintaining the product would have to be increased substantially. Also, the resources required in fixing old releases could, in the extreme case, preclude spending resources on improvements to the product … take it from somebody who’s been there!