App not start in some windows

my problem is same exeoutput file working in some windows and other not
it’s not depend on windows version no,
it’s working in windows 10 x64 and same iso file installed in other computer but program not start

i just got (just a moment, please)
and when i check requests i found this
request still pending with not response
and it changed to cancel when i click Home
send another one pending also

any suggestion ?

Please try to upgrade to the last version 2021. The stability has been improved on some systems.

upgraded now and the same problem

May have nothing to do with issue, but have seen something like this when processes did not shut down from a previous start up.

In other words, look in task manager after closing your EXE. There might be processes still running and those can prevent new processes from starting. Close them and try again.

If the index.php page does not load, it’s probably the PHP runtime crashed. Did you enable PHP error logging?

yes, but no errors

Do you think you can send us a system report for the computer with the fault?

Sure how can i am make the report

You have to install ExeOutput on this computer, then choose “About” in the Newsfeed button and you’ll see Send System Report.

i did it now from pc have this problem

i hope we find a fast solution

It looks like you are using a virtual machine for this PC. Is it up-to-date?

tested it the virtual machine and real pc same problem

i got the reason why that happen but i didn’t found a good solution until now

Steps to do to got this bug :
1- setup windows x64
2- tested myoutput.exe it’s working
3- setup wkhtmltopdf program and after this setup when i open my myoutput.exe it’s ask me to download VC_redist.x86 ( Visual C++ Redistributable 2017) from here my myoutput.exe not opening
and give only message (just a moment, please) with no finish like top screen

Solution i found (bad solution) :

  • uninstall Visual C++ Redistributable 2017 then app can start


  • app not start with any windows has Visual C++ Redistributable 2017 with wkhtmltopdf or not
    to start it should remove Visual C++ Redistributable 2017

i hope you can let developers look this problem trace
and tell me how can i solve it without install then uninstall Visual C++ Redistributable 2017
it’s like stupid solution


Which version of PHP did you select for your project? And Visual C++ Redistributable 2017 has different versions. Recent PHP versions require recent versions of the Visual C++ Redistributable 2017. ExeOutput includes the latest version inside the EXE files, but it won’t unpack these runtimes files if the runtime is already installed itself. Now, you are right, maybe we should go further and check the Visual C++ Redistributable 2017 version too.

i used php 7.4, are the details of the problem clear now?

Yes, install the latest VC runtime on your computer and not an old version:

it’s the same with this update, i should uninstall it after install
to let app start working

test my cycle with wkthtmltopdf please and you will see the bug

Yes, it seems that wkthtmltopdf is installing an old version of the Visual C++ Redistributable.
I think we’ll have to try something. Are you OK to test a custom build?

custom build for what, sorry i didn’t understand

We make a custom build of ExeOutput for you if you are OK to try it.

sure i am ready