Are Visual C++ runtime components included in a compiled ExeOutput 2024 application?

The documentation at Output - Deployment - ExeOutput for PHP Documentation implies that the VC++ components are included by default into the final exe, and that there is an option to disable this to reduce the .exe file size. However I cannot find this option in ExeOutput 2024. One of my test users received a Dependency Warning “The Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015-2019 runtime is not installed on your system…”

Is it possible to include these dependencies into the final .exe, or does the user need to manually install those if they are missing (which isn’t ideal, as they are not particularly tech-savvy)?

This is a mistake in the doc. This is no more available in v2024 because of the way the VC++ runtime dependencies are now installed.
So, yes, end users must install these dependencies (most computers nowadays already come with them pre-installed).
If you want to avoid that, a workaround is to create an installer with Paquet Builder and a custom action to run the VC++ runtime setup when installing your app.

Many thanks. Can you confirm which version of the VC++ dependencies are required for an ExeOutput 2024 application? Is the link to the MS download on the docs still valid? I understand that it needs the x86 installer, but the error message my user received mentioned the 2015-2019 runtime:


Many thanks,

Microsoft now offers one single package for all MSVC++ runtime components.

More recent versions of PHP are built with VS16 or VS17 (Visual Studio 2019 or 2022 compiler respectively).
The VS16 and VS17 builds require to have the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015-2022 x86 installed