Call to undefined function exo_getglobalvariable()

Using Codeigniter, I am trying to connect my application to a SQLITE3 Database.
In the config.php file, I set baseurl as below:

$config[‘base_url’] = ‘http://heserver/’;

Then in the database.php, I tried to connect to the database as below:

$storagelocation=exo_getglobalvariable(‘HEPubStorageLocation’, ‘’);
$db[‘default’] = array(
‘dsn’ => ‘’,
‘hostname’ => ‘’,
‘username’ => ‘’,
‘password’ => ‘’,
‘database’ => $storagelocation.’/MBLRS.db’,
‘dbdriver’ => ‘sqlite3’,
‘dbprefix’ => ‘’,
‘pconnect’ => FALSE,
‘db_debug’ => (ENVIRONMENT !== ‘production’),
‘cache_on’ => FALSE,
‘cachedir’ => ‘’,
‘char_set’ => ‘utf8’,
‘dbcollat’ => ‘utf8_general_ci’,
‘swap_pre’ => ‘’,
‘encrypt’ => FALSE,
‘compress’ => FALSE,
‘stricton’ => FALSE,
‘failover’ => array(),
‘save_queries’ => TRUE

But when I compile and run the application, I get the following error:

An uncaught Exception was encountered
Type: Error
Message: Call to undefined function exo_getglobalvariable()
Filename: D:\Programs\PHP\Data\application\config\database.php
Line Number: 6
File: D:\Programs\PHP\Data\application\models\User_model.php
Line: 6
Function: database
File: D:\Programs\PHP\Data\application\controllers\User.php
Line: 8
Function: model
File: D:\Programs\PHP\Data\index.php
Line: 315
Function: require_once