Can't compile HTMLexe


I cannot compile from HTMLexe - I get the message that invalid product version number specified in output resources.

I have tried all manner of version numbers, always in format X.X.X.X. but receive the same error message.

HTML Executable Compilation Log

Publication Information

  • Type: Interner-Explorer based Viewer (IEViewer)
  • Title: Colourful Solutions - Bonding and Structure
  • Company: IsisSoft
  • Date/Time: 08/12/2019 22:51:51
  • File Virtualization Settings: max. file size: 25 MB, storage capacity: 64 MB.
  • Built-In Server: Enabled

Reading Parameters
Checking publication settings…

The following error has occurred during compilation:
Invalid Product Version Number specified in “Output / Resources” page. Must be in X.X.X.X format.

Any ideas?

Graeme Hall

It’s OK, I sorted out the problem!

1 Like

I have the same issue and I am stuck. Would really appreciate your solution

Can you take a screenshot of the “Output / Resources” page and post it here?