Certificate Authority

Hi is the mention ksoftware.net a legit Certificate Issuing Authority?

Is there a detailed instruction for the signing of EXE(from purchasing PFX, what type of certificate to purchase, where to purchase and how to sign the EXE file)? Thank you.

Sure, this is explained here:

Yes, we used to recommend K Software but some customers reported they got problems. We are working on an alternative.

Regarding the request for certification authority, what is the process if you are an individual and do not have any affiliate organization?

CAs do also deliver certificates to individuals. The process depends on the CA that will deliver you the certificate.

What about manually changing the file extension, then send it through gmail, then instructing end user to manually change it back to an exe file? Wouldnt this be a good solution instead of paying another $150 for a Certificate of Authority?

Yes, of course it is also possible. Code signing is strongly recommended but not mandatory, some antivirus programs will continue to have false positives anyway, but this is often the case with antivirus programs that are not widely used or poorly designed.