Chromium change default error text


Is it possible to modify the chromium default language?

Example, change the “value missing” in a required input field to “Champ obligatoire”…

Thank you,

Are you sure it’s Chromium that shows that “value missing” text? Isn’t it in your HTML form or the JavaScript that could check the form fields before submit?

I checked on a windows 7 french edition with a french chrome installed, it show in french. I assumed that the error message is inside the chrome code:
“Veuillez renseigner ce champ.” for “Please fill out this field.” in chrome 47.0.2526.111 m version.
The same code will get “value missing” in a compile EXE with 1.7 EXEOUTPUT. (both windows, english and french shows the same “value missing”, notice that there is no dot at the end of the text, or a even the uppercase for the V letter)
The code used to test this is:

< form id=“form-demo”>
< input type=text required name=foo placeholder=“I’m Required”>
< input type=text required name=bar placeholder=“Me too!”>
< input type=“email” name=“email” required placeholder=“Enter a valid email address”>
< input type=submit>
< /form>

I manage to add some description to the error message by adding:

< input type=“text” required title=“Lütfen işaretli yerleri doldurunuz” />
or to change it by adding:

< input type=“text” pattern="[a-zA-Z]+" oninvalid=“setCustomValidity('Plz enter on Alphabets ')” onchange=“try{setCustomValidity(’’)}catch(e){}” /> (only work on chrome, but no in compile EXE)

But they are many error that chrome can handle when making a form (email check, alphanumeric check, numeric limits…)

Finally I also notice the exclamation icon also change from different chrome versions, maybe we can modify that also.

Best regards,

I guess this will be fixed in ExeOutput 2 since we use a more recent Chromium-based viewer.

I understand it will be upgraded to a newer version of chromium, but the question is would it be “customisable”.

Is it possible to modify the chromium source code before compiling it with EXEOUTPUT?
Maybe we could translate the chromium engine source into multiple language, so we can choose the language for the final compiled form.

Hope to hear from you,

In ExeOutput 2, Chromium DLL files are stored outside ExeOutput 2 and embedded during compilation. So I guess it’s possible to use a customized version of CEF if you don’t modify interfaces.
AFAIK CEF comes with several language pak files, so maybe the translation is already included…