Dear everyone,
Please, I am facing an issue while trying to compile to EXE an Excel file.
After few minutes I receive the following message “an error occurred while opening source Excel workbook for formula protection: Out of memory”.
The message is quite clear, targeting a memory issue, and indeed in my case this is only happening with Excel files having a size higher than 70Mo.
The problem I have is that I have tried to compile to EXE the same file with a more powerful computer (more RAM and faster processor), and even though during the compilation the processor was running at 20% maximum and the RAM at 50% maximum, I have still received the same “out of memory” error.
Would anyone have an idea why I receive this error message while the computer doesn’t seem to be asked to run with its full calculation capacity during the compilation?
I must precise I am using a 64bits version of Excel, so there is not a 2Go limit on the use the RAM.
I must also add that I don’t think my Excel file has an issue apart from its size, because if I delete aleatory sheets to reach less than a 70Mo file size the problem disappear, and reappear if I artificially add new sheets to increase the file size.
Thank you for your help,