Creating and/or saving changes to ActiveX controls


I use static ActiveX controls and also create them at run-time, but Workbook.exe does not save the changes made in Frontend. How do I save the changes?


Please post your query in English.

Sorry, I speak basic English, I used the translator to correct the post and the title.

Waiting for your help.



I use static ActiveX controls and also create them at run-time, but Workbook.exe does not save the changes made in Frontend. How do I save the changes?



I use static ActiveX controls and also create them at run-time, but Workbook.exe does not save the changes made in Frontend. How do I save the changes?


What are the ActiveX controls you are creating?

I create at runtime Combobox, Textbox, Checkbox.

works, but does not save changes or additions to text in .exe

What code do you use to create them?