Error 1061 while creating Ask user Dialog

While working with the Ask User Dialog, I consistently get the following while compiling the package. Thoughts?

Compiling scripts:

  • script: “dlgwizintchoice.c”…
    fatal error #1061: Can’t open input file ‘C:\Program Files (x86)\Paquet Builder 3\Compiler\DialogBoxes\dlgwizintchoice.c’.

A fatal error has occurred:
Compilation Failed for Script "C:\Program Files (x86)\Paquet Builder 3\Compiler\DialogBoxes\dlgwizintchoice.c
Compilation aborted; The package has NOT been created.

It looks like a file is missing in the current distribution. This will be fixed in next update.

Until that, please download it and unzip the file to

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Paquet Builder 3\Compiler\DialogBoxes\"

Download link:

Thank you. That resolved the error.
The correct installation pathway however is: …\Compiler\DialogBoxes\Win