.exe do not open after compiled - Help

Hi people
I downloaded and installed the trial XLS Padlock 32 in my Macbook Pro (OSX 10.9.5) running a Windows 8 and Office 2003 in a Parallels 10 Virtual Machine.
The installation ran all right, but after compiled a XLS file, the .EXE file was created BUT do not run. When I click to open .EXE file nothing happens.
So, what is the possible problem and what can I do to solve it?
That software is what I need and I will to buy if run correctly.
Thanks and waiting for answer ASAP.
With best regards.
Carlos Sgrillo
From Brazil

Looks like a compatibility problem with Parallels 10 Virtual Machine, or some third-party program is blocking the EXE file. Are you using an antivirus program? Can you check whether the EXE is running in the Task Manager?