Exe Output for PHP inquiry

I want to buy this program EXE Output for PHP, not sure if it will do what I need to accomplish? Here briefly I can describe want I like to do. I have made a free website with four pages, and the fifth one would be - after successful payment page, where I would need your program, so the last page is post payment page, which I will include into my square link after successful payment. I already created a My SQL database with a table on my PHP My Admin localhost on my SSD drive.
To make it brief, I have a visual studio windows form application in C# which requires a licensing feature.
When the user clicks on “Buy” button it will open up the website link, and after the successful payment it will redirect to a certain webpage URL.
There I would want to use your program to do a few tasks, where originally, I thought to use PHP language to do the same.
Getting PC ID, like PC ID = CPU + Motherboard ID.
Then generate a random license key for target user machine. Then inserting into a PHP my admin database, like PC ID, Name, email and a randomly generated a license key. And displaying it on a screen a license key as well. Also, maybe emailing automatically a license key to a provided email address.
Can it be done with your program? Where should I create those functions, how to integrate? Can you direct me what can be done. I never have done this before, so that is why I am asking all of these. Let me know, thanks in advance.

Yes! ExeOutput for PHP can help you achieve your goal by packaging your PHP-based licensing system into a secure Windows executable. Let me guide you on how you can do it.

:white_check_mark: Can ExeOutput for PHP Do This?

Yes, it can:

  • Run PHP scripts on Windows without requiring a web server.
  • Generate and retrieve hardware-specific identifiers (like PC ID).
  • Connect to a MySQL database (e.g., your PHPMyAdmin localhost).
  • Generate and store license keys in the database.
  • Display license keys on-screen after payment confirmation.

:small_blue_diamond: Creating the Licensing Functions

Since your licensing system requires retrieving PC hardware info, we need to use ExeOutput’s built-in HEScript and PHP.

:white_check_mark: Retrieving PC ID (CPU + Motherboard ID)

ExeOutput for PHP has built-in functions to get system information.

:point_right: Use HEScript to get hardware info:

  1. Open ExeOutput for PHP and go to Scripting > UserMain.
  2. Add this script to get CPU & Motherboard info:
Function GetMachineID: String;
  CPU, MB: String;
  CPU := GetGlobalVar("EXO_CpuName", "Unknown");
  MB := GetGlobalVar("EXO_BaseBoardSerial", "Unknown");
  Result := CPU + "-" + MB;
  1. In PHP, use this function:
$pc_id = exo_return_hescriptcom('UserMain.GetMachineID', '');
echo "PC ID: " . $pc_id;

:white_check_mark: Generating a Random License Key

You can generate a random key using PHP:

function generate_license_key() {
    return strtoupper(bin2hex(random_bytes(8))); // 16-character key
$license_key = generate_license_key();
echo "License Key: " . $license_key;

:white_check_mark: Storing Data in MySQL

After getting PC ID, Name, Email, License Key, store it in MySQL:

$servername = "localhost";
$username = "root";
$password = "";  // Your MySQL password
$dbname = "licenses_db";

$conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);
if ($conn->connect_error) {
    die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error);

$pc_id = $_POST['pc_id'];
$name = $_POST['name'];
$email = $_POST['email'];
$license_key = generate_license_key();

$sql = "INSERT INTO license_keys (pc_id, name, email, license_key) 
        VALUES ('$pc_id', '$name', '$email', '$license_key')";

if ($conn->query($sql) === TRUE) {
    echo "License Key Generated: " . $license_key;
} else {
    echo "Error: " . $conn->error;


Or, if you prefer, you should take a look at our Obsidium example.https://www.exeoutput.com/samples/exeoutput-obsidium-licensing
With key generators, you can easily deliver hardware-locked keys to your customers after payment.

Sounds great, however, let me explain the whole situation, so I have a Paquet Builder program which I bought from your guys, and it is an installation program, (which using my first program) and if I do create a second program in .EXE format just to achieve those operations, so how to run it since I would like to perform those operations only after successful payment, which have been processed.
I have a square account which processing payments, so I created a payment link, which can be used on my site. And after payment is done how should run this .EXE program automatically on a target machine. After the payment, it can redirect to a certain URL, where I can run those functions in PHP. But also, I could write all those functions in C# which my program is written. So how your program can be helpful? Let me know, thanks.