ExeOutput for PHP 2018.2 Released - September 17th, 2018

:loudspeaker: ExeOutput for PHP 2018.2 released

Our PHP compiler is now blazzing fast for creating PHP applications thanks to its new compression and caching system. Moreover, ExeOutput for PHP 2018.2 includes new timer components (cron jobs), Chromium 69, and much more. Upgrade is recommended if your maintenance is active.

What’s new:

  • New multi-threaded compression and cache system: ExeOutput for PHP is now blazzing fast for creating PHP applications.
  • ExeOutput for PHP now only recompresses modified files when compiling: when you update one source file, the EXE is instantly recreated, without having to recompress all sources files. Compilation time is highly decreased!
  • ExeOutput for PHP now caches shared CEF runtime files locally to speed up application loading.
  • New Deployment option: do not cache CEF files locally (this will increase app loading delay but save disk space).
  • Support for Chromium 69 and CEF3 branch 3497.
  • A panel bearing a “Please wait” message is now displayed while the CEF engine is loading the contents at startup (instead of a blank window). The text can be modified with the new resource string named SCEFPleaseWait.
  • New “Hide system menu” option in Skin Properties: this lets you remove the system icon in the main window’s title bar.
  • New Timer (cron jobs) UI component: you can trigger actions regularly such as running PHP code, calling HEScript functions… Refer to the “Timer / cron jobs” topic in the documentation for further explanation and demo.
  • New MP3 support: MP3 files are now played natively.
  • New action for UI controls: you can now run PHP code (from UI buttons, menu items, ribbon, timers…).
  • New possibility to have virtual PHP session files by updating the PHP.INI to store session files in a virtual folder given by %EXOPHPVIRTUALTEMP%. See the “PHP Sessions” topic in the documentation.
  • PHP runtimes updated to PHP 7.2.9 and 7.1.21.
  • New option to create a pure browser application: no other pre-defined UI item (GUI application) is added, except the browser component.
  • New option to keep CEF runtime files outside the EXE file. However, they must be installed separately.
  • New possibility to load the splash screen’s image from an external file.
  • Tray Icon: ability to change the icon at runtime thanks to the new HEScript function named TrayChangeIcon. A sample is available in the documentation.
  • Added Windows color selection dialog box (TColorDialog) in HEScript.
  • The error message box displayed in case of PHP errors can now be closed with the system’s close button and not only with the Yes/No buttons.
  • New AJAX demo in the Chromium demo application.
  • Fixed: focus problems with TAB and ALT+TAB in PHP applications.
  • Fixed: some command line switches for PHP applications were not working (page, ignorepos…)
  • Fixed: UI editor issue on multimonitor screens.
  • System DLL files are now marked as hidden in the File Upload dialog box.
  • Removed ShowPopup HEScript function.
  • Updated HEScript script and virtualization engines.
  • Updated documentation.
  • Minor improvements.

:point_right: Remember that version 2018 does not provide support anymore for Windows XP and Vista platforms. You need ExeOutput for PHP 2 to make Windows XP and Vista compatible PHP apps. Both versions (2018 and 2) can be installed on the same computer.


ExeOutput for PHP creates native Windows applications and software programs from websites coded in PHP and HTML. The resulting application is a stand-alone browser app that runs PHP scripts natively without requiring any PHP distribution nor web server.

Build Windows apps, custom web browsers, database front-ends, ebooks, games, interactive catalogs, and much more by combining the power of PHP, HTML5 and JavaScript into desktop applications for Windows.

Upgrade to ExeOutput 2018 requires an active maintenance. You can check your maintenance here.

Customers who own ExeOutput for PHP 1.x can review upgrade conditions.

A fully-functional Trial is available for download on our website at:


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