Extensions Working ? Default extraction folder to match "Folder Name"

I have begun using the software and have found it quite useful. A couple of questions…

I have been trying to use the Explorer extensions, cant seem to install them, i get a error message that Packet Builder is not installed but it is…Would be great if i can Create the package directly from explorer based on a PAckage Build file.

Currently im using the %DESKTOPDIR% variable. Is there any way i can expand on this Variable and add a subfolder to it Matching for example the Folder name where i got the files from or the file name of one of the files in the archive? Basically want to avoid the need to create a new folder manually

To create a subfolder, just enter %DESKTOPDIR%\subfolder in the Destination Folder field.
Did you install Paquet Builder 64-bit? Have you installed the extension with the same bitness?

I want the Subfolder to be a Filename or the name of the Folder where the files are kept…

ie…if my files are in c:\House…I would like it to automatically recognize that the files are in the Folder “House” so it should extract to %Desktopdir%/HOUSE

I have installed Paquet Builder…I get this error message when trying to install Extension


We’ll check that. Thanks for the report!