External files that are not in the compiled file list

Well I’m having some trouble with the files that are kept externally in the Data folder.
I don’t fully understand how this works, so hers my problem .
I have made a project that uses all files from the Data folder , the single file that is compiled in the exe is the index.php
This application has an updater that gets new and updated files from remote and puts them in the Data folder, at this point the exe is the same as before the update .
The new php files are recognized by the exe , but the js and images are not , only after compilation.
Is there a whey to accomplish this without having to compiles every time i use new files in the Data folder ?

Unfortunately, no.
Only PHP files may be read from the Data folder. JS and images do not require processing by the PHP engine, so they are directly retrieved from the compiled data.
I think that we can try to add this option to a future release, but since it will require a lot of changes, it won’t be in ExeOutput 1.3.

Surely non-PHP files are read from the data folder, otherwise how would ExeOutput be able to use a SQLite database with read/write access - it’s non PHP but sits in the data folder?

I’m using a 3rd party JS library which is not compiled into the exe, but will instead be installed via the installation wizard into the /data subfolder of the main install folder (eg c:\my programs\app name\data), and it seems to work fine.

I’ve not got my code in front of me, but I think I get the path to the data folder via something like the following:

$datapath = exo_getglobalvariable("HEPublicationPath", "") . "\data";

Hope that helps,

Yes Andy, like you i use a php updater to retrieve from remote server files ( js, images, php , html etc). i managed to tweak my update code to include the exe file to , so this whey i can pre compile the exe with the new files and include them in the update .
In some occasions ivied used $_SERVER‘DOCUMENT_ROOT’] to determine the root to my Data/ folder.
But this works to exo_getglobalvariable(“HEPublicationPath”, “”) . .

Thanks Andy

Surely non-PHP files are read from the data folder, otherwise how would ExeOutput be able to use a SQLite database with read/write access - it’s non PHP but sits in the data folder?"

Yes, PHP can access compiled files and external files from the Data folder (explained at http://www.exeoutput.com/help/howphpappliwork.htm). But not the Trident engine that renders HTML and JavaScript.
A possibility though is to use PHP to read the external HTML and JavaScript files, and display the result in the browser. Something similar to and myscript.php would return text-javascript for the MIME-type and the JavaScript contents read externally.