The application only allows you to play videos in webm format. However, it is not possible to forward / rewind in webm videos. I tried 4-5 different video plugins and the result is the same in all.
What do I need to do in order to play webm videos smoothly.
NOTE: I am using the last purchased version of the program.
Might not be exactly what you are looking for but, I had my husband make me simple controls with fast forward / rewind:
Used in EXEOut project and it worked. Nothing fancy but maybe give you some ideas:)
Thank you for your answer. However, the application I make will be used by primary school students. There is video and audio throughout the application. So I have to solve the problem of getting back and forth on the timeline.
Your welcome. Understand the hurdles you face, tackle many myself when creating apps with EXEOut for school uses.
I have found that you get more support for chromium based products @ http://www.chromium.org/developers/discussion-groups
In this specific case, it is more related to CEF than ExeOutput… We’re working on a workaround to fix this problem.
We also answered to your email queries for this problem.
Problem not seen in recent versions of ExeOutput.