Formula Protection Error

I am trying to select cells for formula protection and receiving the following error:

XLS Padlock error: the add-in has fired an exception.
OLE error 800A03EC

I enabled the “Trust access to the VBA project object model”, as stated in the Help file, but this does not involve VBA, so it did not help.

I get this error for ALL formula cells, no matter how simple the formula.

Do you get this error at design time in Excel, when compiling or when executing the compiled workbook?
And which version of XLS Padlock are you using?

I got it while in Excel before compiling. I was trying to use the formula protection (right-click on the cell and choose formula protection).

I am using V2018.2.

I did have the sheet protected with a password through Excel and when I unprotected it, it worked. On some of the sheets I had to unprotect and some I did not.

I did get it to work every time when unprotected though.

That’s the reason. In order to analyze formulas that will be protected, XLS Padlock must access formulas in cells. If you protect them yourself, then Excel won’t let XLS Padlock read formulas and it will fail. You can also let XLS Padlock unprotect and reprotect cells by specifying a password in XLS Padlock.