GeoLocation Notification

I have a need for using GeoLocation in the HTML Executable 2024 version, using the Webview.rendering engine When the notification popup displays, “This file wants to know your location” to the user and the Allow button is clicked it doesn’t close the notification, the 2nd attempt does close. However, it does not allow GeoLocation services and the prompt will come up again when the page is reloaded. I have tried --disable-web-security argument along with --allow-file-access-from-files but it does not work.

I had tried geo some months back and never got it to work. Did not have time to deeply troubleshoot but can confirm there is issue.


I tried all kinds of flags from: WebView2 browser flags - Microsoft Edge Developer documentation | Microsoft Learn

Side note: the geo script works perfectly in Edge, Chrome and Opera browsers served from net but no go in HTMLExe

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Can you please share the geo script you are using? If not, we’ll try to reproduce the issue on our end.

You bet. Very simple script that can even run from desktop. You will have to get free API key though: Geocoding and Reverse Geocoding APIs - LocationIQ

Geo Location Script -

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Here is a simple example project and the included html file even works by viewing as a local file on desktop in Chrome and Edge but will not work inside HTML Executable projects.

Includes HTMLExecutable project source

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Thank you both for your files. We’ll study the problem.