Heexternal doesn't work anymore

I compiled my app with the new versión 2024.2 and now the heexternal doesn’t work anymore. I had this function:

function OpenBrowser(website) {

url = "heexternal://" + website;
location.href = url;


Why? How can I open a URL with the default browser now?

I can confirm this too, just noticed the issue tonight - although some heexternal links do seem to be working, but others not.

In my case I get a warning error when clicking the external link:

“Unable to execute the requested file”

The affected links are not executables though, just a regular URLs that would normally open in my default browser prior to exeout 2024. I’ll investigate tonight - I have a feeling it could be something to do with URLs with PHP variables on the end after a “?”, all basic URLs seem to work fine.

Will keep you posted…

So I’ve figured it out - in my case it was an issue with URL encoding. It would seem URL encoding is no longer required for the destination URL - as soon as I removed the encoding the links work fine again.

However, I have noticed one other issue. I currently have exeout set up to “show external URLs only” in the status bar (handy for debugging) via the AutoShowUrls setting in the components section as below:

But for some reason I’m not seeing any external URLs upon mouseover in the status bar at all.

Any clues?

Hi Kim, long time no speak. Hope life is treating you and yours well.

I was just working on a demo and while doing so, setup to show external links. Seems to be working ok for me.

Tried to upload a small gif but this board is crazy and does not allow a small gif around 700k… Pretty silly if you ask me. Anyway: https://imgur.com/a/kdtH6uK

First button is internal url and bottom links is external, same in settings as yours.
