How do I call an exe passing Vars or params using EXEOutput for PHP correctly?

Hoping Someone can help me with this I have 2 issues that I will deal with 1 at a time.

Issue #1

The first is that I need to use EXEOutput for PHP to start an external exe file that has a complicated and multiple parameters / switches after the exe file.

for example:

myexefolder\myfile.exe  --param-1=1 --param-2= -differentparamformatvar SOMETHING --param3=3a --differentvar 0 -o

If I try to call the file using HE SCRIPT as simply:


It works no problem, but as soon as I add the parameters, it does not start the external application.

Here is the HESCRIPT I have used:

procedure TestExeStartup;


EbookPath, MyProgram: String;


EbookPath := GetGlobalVar("HEPublicationPath", "");

MyProgram := EbookPath + "myexefolder\myfile.exe  --param-1=1 --param-2= -differentparamformatvar SOMETHING --param3=3a --differentvar 0 -o";

RunAProgram(MyProgram, "", EbookPath, false, SW_SHOWNORMAL);

The HESCRIPT is named: “TestingExeScript” and is called via a simple link click from a page where the link is:

<a href="hescript://TestingExeScript.TestExeStartup">Click HERE to START</a>

Any ideas how to get this issue working with the params… It will start the exe fine if I remove the params but I need the params?

Issue #2

Taking the above idea of calling an external exe with params to the next level, I am wondering if it is possible to pass parameters to the HESCRIPTING engine via a link so that the exe parameters could be dynamic based on data in the link. for example:

Instead of my link to call the exe looking like this:

<a href="hescript://TestingExeScript.TestExeStartup">Click HERE to START</a>

Is there a method of calling sort of like this maybe:

<a href="hescript://TestingExeScript.TestExeStartup?file=myexefolder\myfile.exe  --param-1=1 --param-2= -differentparamformatvar SOMETHING --param3=3a --differentvar 0 -o">Click HERE to START</a>

or with the data URL encoded like this:

<a href="hescript://TestingExeScript.TestExeStartup?">Click HERE to START</a>

If someone could help me out with this it would be great!

The issue is because you are passing parameters to the wrong argument.
Here is the modified code that should work:

procedure TestExeStartup;


EbookPath, MyProgram: String;


EbookPath := GetGlobalVar("HEPublicationPath", "");

MyProgram := EbookPath + "myexefolder\myfile.exe";

RunAProgram(MyProgram, "--param-1=1 --param-2= -differentparamformatvar SOMETHING --param3=3a --differentvar 0 -o", EbookPath, false, SW_SHOWNORMAL);

Sure, that’s possible and explained in our doc:


Parameters should be encoded as in URLs.

As always thanks for the quick help and support… That is why I have been a customer for so long and have bought your stuff going back so long ago!

One question about issue #2

Would the parameters in the url look like this then:

<a href="hescript://TestingExeScript.TestExeStartup|--param-1%3D1|--differentvar%20datahere|">Click HERE to START</a>

Also is there a limitation on number of params?

The parameters you are passing to the TestExeStartup are not directly passed to the EXE.
To do so, change the code to:

procedure TestExeStartup(MyParams: String);


EbookPath, MyProgram: String;


EbookPath := GetGlobalVar("HEPublicationPath", "");

MyProgram := EbookPath + "myexefolder\myfile.exe";

RunAProgram(MyProgram, MyParams, EbookPath, false, SW_SHOWNORMAL);

Then, you can run with:
<a href="hescript://TestingExeScript.TestExeStartup|--param-1=1%20%--XXXX">Click HERE to START</a>
XXXX should be the remaining entire params string you want to pass, properly encoded.

Super… Last question and I have a perfect answer…

If I wanted the EXE Program to be dynamic as well, so I needed to pass 2 params. The first being the EXE path and folder:


and the second being the params after the exe. so:


My link url would look like this:

hescript://TestingExeScript.TestExeStartup |myexefolder%5Cmyfile.exe|

But how do I differentiate between the parms in the Script? How would that work something like this?

procedure TestExeStartup;


EbookPath, MyProgram, ExeInput_VAR1, PamaInput_VAR2: String;


EbookPath := GetGlobalVar("HEPublicationPath", "");

MyProgram := EbookPath + "" + ExeInput_VAR1 +"";

RunAProgram(MyProgram, "" + PamaInput_VAR2 + "", EbookPath, false, SW_SHOWNORMAL);

Would this work?

Sure, if you pass arguments to the function (which you forgot in your code):

procedure TestExeStartup(ExeInput_VAR1, PamaInput_VAR2: String);


EbookPath, MyProgram: String;


EbookPath := GetGlobalVar("HEPublicationPath", "");

MyProgram := EbookPath + ExeInput_VAR1;

RunAProgram(MyProgram, PamaInput_VAR2, EbookPath, false, SW_SHOWNORMAL);

Thanks bro… going to purchase my copy of PHP exe later today. I have now bought HTMLEXE and I am not sure if you were also the guy that mad ASP EXE back in like 2003, But your service level is awesome, your software works great and has made me a lot of money over the years… Thank you so much for the great products and service!

You’re welcome :wink: