I wants to use this system generated exe.
Here I wants to display a automatic notification, when a new listings appears. How can we do this?
Kindly advice me…
Many Thanks…
I wants to use this system generated exe.
Here I wants to display a automatic notification, when a new listings appears. How can we do this?
Kindly advice me…
Many Thanks…
You could use a Tray Icon (http://www.exeoutput.com/help/trayicon) and display notification balloons like Windows does.
Use these two HEScript functions:
ShowBalloonHint(Title: String; Text: String; IconType: Integer);
See the help about calling HEScript functions.
I have big problem with HEScript. I try to run it but I cant. Please write me step by step how to make it works.
Take a look at our demo that ships with ExeOutput. We show how to display Windows notifications: just study the source code that is also shipped.
I found it, Notifications are to use in win8 and 10. Does it works in exeoutput 1.7?
No, it’s only in recent versions. V1.7 is no more supported by us.
@gdgsupport When (if) you have the time, could you please expand upon this? Have spend few hours attempting to also:
“I wants to display a automatic notification, when a new listings appears. How can we do this? Kindly advice me” as mention by @balan_zerosoft
Maybe give a real life example of using the ShowBalloonHint(Title: String; Text: String; IconType: Integer);
Have message notifications setup using ajax but tapping into the win 8/10 notifications would be a huge plus. Not asking how to integrate with my script, just a real life example of how notifications work with scripting.