I even understand that there is an example for the PDF

I even understand that there is an example for the PDF.
Here’s how it goes out of my pattern:

I do not think it’s just my will, more than many.
If we had the same default chrome option would help a lot.
I hope I can find a way to save my pdf, the default option that comes with exeoutput for complex systems does not help.
I still have the hope of an update.

Do you mean you want to hide the “Print to PDF” button from the toolbar?

I would like to be able to use an option in PHP OR JQUERY / AJAX to save my PDF.
in the chrome browser is a default option to print.

It’s the same if you click the Print button instead of Print to PDF…

Yes my friend, I understood, but that’s not the point.

I know I can add a button to save the PDF, but that’s not what I want, I want an equal option from the original browser! “That you can print or save PDF.”

The biggest issue is that it does not fit the layout (I want the person to only print what I leave to print on my system.

:confused: BAD ExeOutput for PHP 2.2 Do not have the option to save the PDF(Direct Printing)

:ok_hand: GOOD Google Chrome Versão 63.0.3239.84

I would like the print option to be the same as the browser (chrome).
:pray::+1: Who knows in future upgrades?

:+1:Thank you for your attention and your time.
I hope you have understood.