I need Tabs/Registers

Hello, i need to make TABS (like tabs in browsers) to run different php-scripts (maybe in multithreading).
Anybody can help me? TY :smiley:
liebe Grüße / Regards

In ExeOutput 2, there is a new feature called Timers. This lets you execute PHP scripts at different time intervals, similar to CRON jobs or some multithreading. You’ll have just to wait for the announcement of ExeOutput 2…

yehaw :smile: cant wait… when rollout is planned?

Grüße / Regards,

We’re finishing the UI editor and announcement will be posted in this forum.
It’s a major rewrite, so it’s taking time.

:smile: im still ungeduldig waiting… :wink:

see Issues with minor variations to include_once() / require_once() paths topic