JavaScript prompt() issue

Hi, I am using ExeOutput 2020.2, we have an issue with javascript prompt() function.

The input box in the prompt() function is not the fixed size, and gets longer with longer message. It also causes issues when we have new lines in the message.

For example see these screenshots

This goes out of control with a longer message like this:

Chrome and other browsers display the prompt nicely - they have a fixed width and the input box is below the message, not in the same line.

Please fix this bug as soon as possible.

Another small bug to note is that when we click Cancel for the prompt popup in the chrome or any other browser, it returns null. However in ExeOutput it returns an empty string "".
So we cannot determine if the user left the input empty and clicked OK, or if he clicked Cancel.
However this is not a major issue right now, it would be great if you could just fix the main issue above.

Hi @gdgsupport any updates on this??

Hopefully soon. We are also working on ExeOutput 2021 and the fix will be included (if we manage to get it).