Hi I discovered the EXEOutput website and I think this is the answer to my dreams to create desktop applications for windows without having to learn a more traditional language like .net or c++.
But I really hope that exeoutput can make our apps work more like a traditional GUI application. is it currently possible to call JavaScript functions on the browser directly from PHP. What I want to do is create an Ajax application that can send a request to run a PHP script and receive data back to any JavaScript function I may have coded multiple times from that PHP script in one execution.
So for instance I might have a loop running in PHP and I will send some JSON data to a JavaScript function on each iteration of that loop. the JavaScript function is also able to return a result of the function to the PHP loop.
The point is to have PHP script execution in the background but regularly updating the page based on things happening in PHP without having to do this the traditional way by making a request and loading PHP and any framework just to get a little bit of data to update the page and then load the framework again.
This new way I can have PHP act as the controller and model and JavaScript and browser is the view in a more traditional application sense. this way our applications can do more traditional App things.
With this functionality if I was processing images I could send info back to JavaScript on the status of the image processing with accurate progress bars and all kind of things.
Is there a bridge from PHP back to JavaScript?