Linking to external files

I am attempting to link to external files that are in directories with deep linking structures. Is there anyway to recursively do this, or must I manually link every individual file in the compilation?


Any and all help is greatly appreciated.


What are you trying to achieve? Do you want to keep these files external and have a link that would open them in an external player? Or do you want to compile them and play them inside the publication?

Yes, I would like the external files to be opened by the external players…

You’ll have to work with HEScript in order to do that.
You can study some samples at or to find out how it works.
If you are lost, don’t hesitate to post your questions here.

Thank You Much…

I will post if any further questions…

Thanks again,

Hello, please can i have samples on paquet building with external application. The one gdgsupport supplied sometime ago is not available on the given urls:
see below:
You can study some samples at or to find out how it works.

Thanks, waiting

What do you want to do exactly?
The previous URL were moved to the online help: see

Was trying but failing building a pub with external applications, so needed scrpit samples on this. Eventually managed to, thanks for the url anyway.