My application required to writesome values to the app.php file inside config folder

My application required to writesome values to the app.php file inside config folder. But when I tried to write the data to file it is not working. So I tried by placing the app.php as external file in the Data folder. At that time it is writing.

But the issue is those values are important values which end users should not see. For that I tried to encode the external file. But when I encode the file the application load with some unreadable character.

howto resolve it ?

Indeed, files that are compiled into the application, including your app.php, are extracted by ExeOutput to virtual memory and therefore cannot be written to directly. However, I have a possible workaround for you.

Instead of writing to app.php directly, you can modify the PHP script of the first page that is loaded to write the missing data into the app.php file during runtime. This way, the sensitive data wouldn’t be visible to the end user in the file system.