Explaining, the program uses CEF which is the heart, so soon they are not the same thing, except rendering…
We can not count on all chrome options because chrome only uses the webkit engine the print options, favorites etc are chrome things, have developed only for the browser!
Did you get it? Of course the one day the @gdgsupport dev can also add these options, only this takes time, it is not from day to night.
In chrome, too, it took time.
If I am wrong correct me, or add some information.
The dev @gdgsupport could pass the link to you on how to work with cookies(in the exeoutput), I do not remember at the moment.
Certainly this antivirus program is having a false positive. The antivirus vendor should have a form where you can report false positive, or contact their support team. Do you know the website of that antivirus software?