Open external File with default application

Im trying to set a script to open a file with the default application of windows. I have some Powerpoint files that i need to open with the microsoft app and im using this:

procedure OpenAFile(FilePath: String);
res: integer;
res := OpenFile(FilePath, “”, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
if res < 32 then
MessageBox("Error al abrir el archivo: " + FilePath + ". Código de error: " + inttostr(res), “Launch Error”, MB_OK + MB_ICONERROR);

And in Javascript this:

const openExternalFile = (relativePath) => {

// Call the original HEScript function without any modification


but i get the error: "Unknown method or routine: ‘OpenAFile’. Im using exeoutput 2021.

What Am i doing wrong? Thanks

Maybe the “” in OpenFile, try "":

procedure OpenAFile(FilePath: String);
res: integer;
res := OpenFile(FilePath, "", SW_SHOWNORMAL);
if res < 32 then
MessageBox("Error al abrir el archivo: " + FilePath + ". Código de error: " + inttostr(res), “Launch Error”, MB_OK + MB_ICONERROR);

And in Javascript this:

const openExternalFile = (relativePath) => {

// Call the original HEScript function without any modification

Sidenote, this always comes in handy too:

heopenit:// + [virtual path] to the file you want to open with the external application associated with its filetype (for example, heopenit://mydoc.doc will extract and open mydoc.doc in Microsoft Word).

heopenit:// can be used for any document file such as executable program files, text files, Microsoft Office® files, etc, that are compiled in the EXE. These files are listed in the File Manager.

<a href="heopenit://mydocument.docx">Open this Word document</a>

heopenext:// can be used for any document file such as executable program files, text files, Microsoft Office® files, etc. These files are available outside the application , in the same folder as the EXE file.

<a href="heopenext://myprogram2.exe">Start another application</a>

This of course is not using scripting in UserMain but may be of some help to you.

Hi OldTeacher, thanks for the reply. The problem is not about syntax. Actually when I include it in the UserMain script, it doesn’t alert any syntax issue and save it without problem. The problem is that Exeoutput doesn’t recognize the procedure (Unknown Method). I also tried with heopenit and it corrupts the file, and change the name. I guess because of the VFS. So when I open the file, the default software (in this case acrobat reader) alerts:


The original filename is 10.pdf and is changed for a temporary name “hef9CB1.pdf”. What I need is to figure it out why Exeoutput is not recognizing the procedure. And the files must be opened by Acrobat Reader because they have attached a 3D interactive model that any pdf reader can load.

Very interesting. Never had this issue and we do a lot of PDFs in the classroom environment.

Best if @gdgsupport handles this one. they will most likely need your project code to fully understand what is happening. Very hard to troubleshoot without.

To call OpenAFile, you must also specify the name of the script that contains the procedure, as explained here:

It should then be like:

if the HEScript script that contains the code is “UserMain”.

Wow, my stuff is really out of date. I better give up on advice…

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No worries, and no, we appreciate your advice!

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Hi thanks for the reply. Yes I figure that could be missing the UserMain, but still getting the same error. It’s really strange, because I use other procedures like MinimizeWindow: exeoutput.RunHEScriptCom(“UserMain.MinimizeWindow”); and works perfect, but for some reason any new script that I add after that one is not recognized. Even I try to just print a message : exeoutput.RunHEScriptCode(‘UserMain.TestDebug();’); and got the same error of “Unknown method”. At the end I decided to solve it with PHP: shell_exec(“start /wait "" "$filePath"”); and it did work. Thanks both for your help, I really appreciate the time. If you figure it out the problem, still would be great to know .Cheers!

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Thanks for the follow-up.
RunHEScriptCom must not contain parenthesis:
is wrong
is correct.
To pass an argument, use |
exeoutput.RunHEScriptCode('UserMain.TestDebug|argument 1');