Passing executables to other people

Hi, hit a problem and I just have no idea why. Developed an executable which works fine on my own development laptop, windows 7 64bit professional, app has never had a unexpected crash myself apart from once due to the memory limits been set too low in the compiler settings, so not counting that one as a problem (developer error). But passed the app to my client, but it keeps crashing on his laptop - he is also using windows 7 64bit professional. No idea on the error messages, but apparently it isn’t stable on his laptop. Do you have any pointers to why this could be happening ? Suspecting as I am using the trident engine rather than webkit it MIGHT be linked to different internet explorer versions, so I have ticked the IE7compt option in the compiler, but I don’t believe this has made any difference to my client.

I know this is low on information, but if anyone else has experienced similar issues, I could do with some pointers to the possible cause.

Thanks for any help.

If you get unexpected crashes on third-party computers, it can be:

  • hardware incompatible with system requirements.
  • some third-party program such as antivirus or antispyware or sandboxing software used for protection.

Cheers… thanks for the information. Sorry the error information to work with is almost no existent.