PHP Warning: shell_exec(): Unable to execute 'dir c:'

PHP Error: PHP Warning: shell_exec(): Unable to execute ‘dir c:’ in C:\Users\dibya\Desktop\bio1\Data\register.php

please reply some one

Check the value of safe_mode in PHP.INI page of ExeOutput for PHP.

what should be the correct value of safe_mode in PHP.INI to execute shell_exec()?

should be off if you want to disable safe mode

in exeoutput 2.1 there is only one safe mode
i.e sql.safe_mode = Off
but still problem exist.

I get the same thing.
The system() command returns similar,
PHP Warning: system(): Unable to fork

Im wondering if the executable is limited to a small memory area or not allowed to spawn processes multiple processes?

Found this post: Exec() not working!
stateing to edit php.ini
fastcgi.impersonate = 1

but im still having the issue.

Which version of ExeOutput and PHP are you using?