Problem with users using IE9


I have been distributing my publication to various users.

But recently I started facing one problem.

With users using IE 9, my command of %url% is not working.

I am checking some input from my user, checking it online through my website and the redirecting the user to my publication through %url% but its not working in IE9 enviornment.

Also, some users are complaining me that they are getting error that could not move/found http://heserver/mso.html

please help how to overcome this problem.

Which error are they getting?

They get a blank page it never gets loaded.

It looks after checking the value at my website on internet they are not able to return to the publication at local computer.

I use response.redirect(“ghe://heserver/mso.html”) in my website.

It works fine on earlier IE.

Please also send me password for beta 4 release. I am not able to PM you.

Thanks for telling us the context of your bug, now it’s more clear: it’s not a bug, but a security enhancement in IE9. Instead of using JavaScript, I would recommend you to use HEScript instead for your redirection. See the documentation about HEScript: write a simple procedure with the GotoPage macro, and then call it.

A PM was also sent to you.

I am not able to redirect the page from my website. See here how it works:

I check the serial entered by my user at my website say

if the serial is correct and matches to my database, the serial.asp page will redirect the user to our publication through

response.redirect(“ghe://heserver/mso.html”) - This is command is on my webpage serial.asp and not in publication.

as I am checking the serial at my website page serial.asp, it will not accept any HEscript. As HEscript is relevant only in your publications.

This command was working fine in IE6 but is making a big problem in IE8 and IE9.

I see what you are trying to do. With the new validation feature of HTMLExe, you’ll be able to validate user keys automatically.

Regarding your problem, this is still a security related problem because you are trying from a remote page to make a redirection to a local page (%url% is considered as a local machine zone).
Have you tried

Yes, but http://heserver do not work.

If a redirection does not work, maybe you should create a special page on your website that contains a redirection in JavaScript code. When the user has validated his serial, the browser is redirect to that page and the JS code uses the window.external.runHEScriptcom to execute an HEScript command for instance.