I participated in a discussion that said about creating a program in version 2021 and that on certain computers it did not work, I managed to solve this by selecting the PHP version to 7.3, with that it worked on all computers and my clients. In version 2024 PHP 7.3 cannot be available and none of the options run on certain computers…
…remembering that PHP 7.3 version is not available for download, In my case the programs work on my notebook (i5 7gen 4GB SSD Windows 10 LTSB) and do not work on my desktop PC (i7 10 gen 8GB NVMe Windows 10 LTSB)
Although we don’t support PHP 7.3 in ExeOutput 2024 officially, we released the package so that if you want PHP 7.3, you can easily add it to ExeOutput 2024 yourself.
Here is the link to PHP 7.3:
I installed PHP 7.3 in the hope that the problem would be solved, but it didn’t work. It continues to create executables that don’t work on all computers. I’m going back to version 2021 and I’m available for new solutions.
I work with computer maintenance and I make small programs to automate some tasks for clients. As soon as I bought the 2021 version, I had problems with a client and I managed to solve it by changing the PHP version to 7.3, so any program I make works on any of my clients (using version 7.3). I have two computers in my work environment, one of them is where I create the programs using EXEOUTPUT, the other is one that I use as a server for a radio station (i7 10gen 8GB NVMe) that I tried to run a program made with version 2024 and it didn’t work. I tried to make a program like “Hello World” and it still doesn’t work on this computer even though it works on the computer where I create it.
What about a missing requirement on the two computers for instance?
PHP requires to have the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015-2022x86 installed
Try to download this installer from Microsoft and run it on these 2 computers.
Note that recent Windows versions ship with the VC++ runtime.
Problem solved, I installed “VC_redist.x64.exe” and “VC_redist.x86.exe” on the machine where the program did not work, I used PHP 8.1 and “hello world” worked perfectly! Thanks for the help!