Resize main window with JavaScript [SOLVED]

Thanks gdgsupport;

Sorry for the delayed response. I took me awhile to build a test “exe” program to run the example code.

After getting everything setup – I can confirm your suggestion did the job perfectly. It’s exactly what I was looking for.

I can also confirm that the “SetUIProp” identifier “fview” (persumably the initial window) does not show up in the Help files – which explains why I couldn’t find the solution myself. :smiley:

For any other users interested in this problem here is the “test” JavaScript function I call from an “onload” HTML action.

function resizeWindow(){
window.external.SetUIProp('fview', 'Width', '800');
window.external.SetUIProp('fview', 'Height', '400');
window.external.SetUIProp('fview', 'Top', '30');
window.external.SetUIProp('fview', 'Left', '30');


Is it poossible to size/resize the main window programically?

I would like my program to start with a small size if it is not registered (to ask for a password) and after it’s registered I would like the program to run with a larger sized window.

I did not see anything in the help files regarding this issue.


Try this HEScript code:


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