System Error 233

Olá… Criei um sistema que transporta informações entre um computador e um endereço na internet utulizando conexão PostgreSQL. Após a compilação do sistema, ocorre um erro, aleatoriamente, que ainda não consegui identificar e nem corrigir.

Hello … I created a system that transports information between a computer and an internet address using PostgreSQL connection. After compiling the system, an error occurs, randomly, that I have not been able to identify or correct.

“System Error. Code 233.
Não há processo no outro extremo do pipe”

Please post in English. From the error code, it looks like one of the PHP-CGI process managed by the main application EXE may have crashed. Which version of ExeOutput are you running?

hello, it happened with my exe also my version is 2.2

Try to check your your system resources if they are not too low.