System Error. Code 6

From some time on some Windows 7 machines there is no possible to open the compiled programs.
The system (in Polish language) says:

System Error. Code:6.
Nieprawidłowe dojście.

Any suggestion?

Are these machines up-to-date regarding Windows updates and SP?

till ~1.09 works, but then the SW update was applicable by domain and till that there is the error

possibly the firewall update also.

The laptops based on Win7 - the laptops without update works.

I’m using the exo_getglobalvariable(‘HEPubStorageLocation’, ‘’) for file saving

Dnia Poniedzia³ek, 11 Wrze¶nia 2017 20:11 gdgsupport [email protected] napisa³(a)

What does this mean?

the exe prior 2017-09-01 works.
Then I hope in the org there were the windows update.
and then on the updated windows 7 computers the error 6 appears.
If the windows was not updated still works

Could you check which Windows updates were installed? And what version of ExeOutput are you using?

The problem also exists on 2.2.1

I’ve made the
wmic qfe list full /format:table >out.html

non working station updates are:

Try to compile your EXE with the following option:
Then please tell us whether the system error still occurs. Thanks!

Looks like vcruntime140.dll is missing - for today :slight_smile:

Dnia Niedziela, 26 Listopada 2017 12:39 gdgsupport [email protected] napisa³(a)

By the way - I ask tor install this C++ package and looks like exists on the PC.

However it not works.

Dnia Poniedzia³ek, 27 Listopada 2017 12:41 [email protected] napisa³(a)

So, the initial “system error code 6” would come from VCRUNTIME140.dll not being set up properly?

Any more information on this? Starting to get few reports of this happening.