TrayIcon Events

Can you check a couple events and make sure you can get them to work?

I cannot get these event procedures to do anything. I’m testing them by showing a ShowMessage function and even tried other message box functions from DLL’s with no luck, they simply don’t work as far as I can tell.

  1. procedure OnRestoreFromTray;
    Menu action : “Execute an HEScript Function”
    Function: Global.HERestoreFromTray
    Anything I put in the OnRestoreFromTray procedure does not do anything when the window is restored.

  2. procedure OnMinimizeToTray;
    Cannot get this event to do anything when the app is minimized using the Window minimize icon.

Thanks …

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Thanks for the report! Yes, I put them on our TODO list.

Issues fixed in HTML Executable 2024.2.

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