Using Curl on Self: heserver, localhost, whatever

Hello, I have a working project I’d want to convert for deskop use. The project extensively uses cURL to make requests to an API that’s also in php (I’m including it in the desktop)

Is this possible?

I checked and found that even wordpress sample > tools > site health … is unable to use curl

The REST API request failed due to an error.
Error: cURL error 6: Could not resolve host: heserver (http_request_failed)

My tests show…

`php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: No such host is known – heserver://—

Please advise.

The internal server used by ExeOutput is not accessible outside the app. So calling https://heserver:// from PHP will not work.
That’s something we are working on for a future release: the ability to generate pure server apps and not client only apps.

I have heard the same answer for over a year now " the ability to generate pure server apps and not client-only apps".
Can you please tell us at least a rough date when it will be released?
Thanks in advance

Yes we had some internal problems, the development is slower but it will be solved little by little during this year 2023.

For my case I’m refactoring the code to not require curl