Using DLL internally

Good morning,

I’ve solved almost all my problems running a particular dll in exeoutput for PHP.

I have a last question: the dll I’m using, I’m trying to pack it with my main exe, and extract it to a virtual memory. The problem is that I can’t seem to do this…

If I maintain the dll as external and ship it with my compiled project it works.

If I include it in the project, when I run it I get an error like it wasn’t even unpacked virtually.

Can someone give me an hint about this issue?



What code did you use to unpack the DLL as a virtual file?

Good morning,

Thank you for the reply. I’ve tryed in the file manager “unpack it at start”. And tryed to use:

$out_dll = exo_unpackvirtualfile(“MyDll.dll”,"");

and even (somewhat desesperate):

$path = exo_getglobalvariable(‘HEPublicationPath’, ‘’);
$out_dll = exo_unpackvirtualfile(“MyDll.dll”,$path);

I think I’m missing something here…

