Windows version check

Hello, I would like to know if it is possible to prevent HTMLEXE compiled presentation from running on Windows XP or Vista? Thank you.

No, it’s not possible but we’ll add the option.

Could you add an option to prevent exe file from running in virtual environment as well? I did not have a chance to check if exe file that runs in virtual machine can be captured by running the recording utility from the host machine.

Overall, I am very pleased with “Content protection” feature. Thank you.

This is more complicate, and you’ll certainly have to try a third-party protection software that can do that. For instance, Obsidium offers VM detection:
EXE made with HTML Executable can be fully protected with Obsidium.

Content protection doesn’t prevent capture using cameras too. But it’s the same for any anti-piracy software!

That is why I am trying to find the right balance between making it too complicated and expensive, and getting reasonable protection at the same time. From reading online documentation I understand that Windows XP and Vista do not have the capture protection, but I can prevent my e-book from running by selecting this feature -

So, I decided to give Obsidium a try. Using default settings gives me this error when trying to run Obsidium protected file

My settings

It gives a warning message during packing

Also, it looks like the best protection can be achieved with modifying the project source code which I can not do, of course.

First, in Obsidium, disable “Verify file size” and enable “Keep Overlays”.
If it still doesn’t work, in HTMLEXE, enable the option to keep the runtime module outside the EXE file and it will normally work.

Disabling “Verify file size” and enabling “Keep Overlays” helped. Thank you.

Hello. I would like to clarify if selecting these options will prevent compiled executable from running on Windows XP and Vista?

Yes, the 2nd option will prevent your publication from running on XP and Vista.