XLSPadlock 2024.3 digital signatures

Is anybody else running into a failure to sign with sha-256 and a successful signature with sha-1 on 2024.3?

Did a 32/64 bit compile. See note (note: [12/25/2024 1:27:34 PM] The target file is not writeable because it is being used by another process.)

Also, copied signature from properties for compiled program in 2024.2 and 2024.3


2/25/2024 1:27:13 PM] XLS Padlock 2024.3 Compilation Started
[12/25/2024 1:27:13 PM] - Excel File: F:\VBA Projects\Checkin_1.3\XLSPadlock_2024_1225\IMFMain.xlsm
[12/25/2024 1:27:13 PM] - Output Path: F:\VBA Projects\Checkin_1.3\XLSPadlock_2024_1225\IMFMain.exe
[12/25/2024 1:27:13 PM] - Application Packaging Option: Standalone EXE
[12/25/2024 1:27:13 PM] - Build EXE for Excel: Universal (single EXE file for both 32-bit and 64-bit, but larger)
[12/25/2024 1:27:13 PM] Warning: no formula configured to be protected. XLS Padlock detected that you did not choose any cell in your workbook to protect with XLS Padlock’s formula protection. Although this feature is not mandatory, we strongly recommend you to use XLS Padlock’s formula protection to secure some of your workbook’s cells, especially important formulas
[12/25/2024 1:27:13 PM] Please wait while creating your secure application…

[12/25/2024 1:27:13 PM] Applying formula protection to workbook…
[12/25/2024 1:27:13 PM] 0 formula(s) were protected
[12/25/2024 1:27:13 PM] Locking VBA Project…
[12/25/2024 1:27:14 PM] Generating 64-bit protection files…
[12/25/2024 1:27:19 PM] GSignCode 3.0 – simple code signing utility
[12/25/2024 1:27:19 PM] Copyright G.D.G. Software 2011-2024. All rights reserved.
[12/25/2024 1:27:19 PM]
[12/25/2024 1:27:19 PM] Certificate Subject Name: CN=Management Info. Consultants, [email protected], O=MIC_CA, OU=IMF, L=Honolulu, S=Hawaii, C=USA
[12/25/2024 1:27:19 PM] Issuer: CN=Management Info. Consultants, [email protected], O=MIC_CA, OU=IMF, L=Honolulu, S=Hawaii, C=USA
[12/25/2024 1:27:19 PM] Serial Number: [redacted[
[12/25/2024 1:27:19 PM]
[12/25/2024 1:27:19 PM] Signing F:\VBA Projects\Checkin_1.3\XLSPadlock_2024_1225\IMFMain-64exe.tmp
[12/25/2024 1:27:19 PM]
[12/25/2024 1:27:19 PM] File successfully signed.
[12/25/2024 1:27:21 PM] GSignCode 3.0 – simple code signing utility
[12/25/2024 1:27:21 PM] Copyright G.D.G. Software 2011-2024. All rights reserved.
[12/25/2024 1:27:21 PM]
[12/25/2024 1:27:21 PM] Certificate Subject Name: CN=Management Info. Consultants, [email protected], O=MIC_CA, OU=IMF, L=Honolulu, S=Hawaii, C=USA
[12/25/2024 1:27:21 PM] Issuer: CN=Management Info. Consultants, [email protected], O=MIC_CA, OU=IMF, L=Honolulu, S=Hawaii, C=USA
[12/25/2024 1:27:21 PM] Serial Number: [redacted[
[12/25/2024 1:27:21 PM]
[12/25/2024 1:27:21 PM] Signing F:\VBA Projects\Checkin_1.3\XLSPadlock_2024_1225\IMFMain-64exe.tmp
[12/25/2024 1:27:23 PM]
[12/25/2024 1:27:23 PM] File successfully signed.
[12/25/2024 1:27:23 PM] Generating 32-bit protection files and final EXE…
[12/25/2024 1:27:29 PM] GSignCode 3.0 – simple code signing utility
[12/25/2024 1:27:29 PM] Copyright G.D.G. Software 2011-2024. All rights reserved.
[12/25/2024 1:27:29 PM]
[12/25/2024 1:27:29 PM] Certificate Subject Name: CN=Management Info. Consultants, [email protected], O=MIC_CA, OU=IMF, L=Honolulu, S=Hawaii, C=USA
[12/25/2024 1:27:29 PM] Issuer: CN=Management Info. Consultants, [email protected], O=MIC_CA, OU=IMF, L=Honolulu, S=Hawaii, C=USA
[12/25/2024 1:27:29 PM] Serial Number: [redacted[
[12/25/2024 1:27:29 PM]
[12/25/2024 1:27:29 PM] Signing F:\VBA Projects\Checkin_1.3\XLSPadlock_2024_1225\IMFMain.exe
[12/25/2024 1:27:31 PM]
[12/25/2024 1:27:31 PM] File successfully signed.
[12/25/2024 1:27:33 PM] GSignCode 3.0 – simple code signing utility
[12/25/2024 1:27:33 PM] Copyright G.D.G. Software 2011-2024. All rights reserved.
[12/25/2024 1:27:33 PM]
[12/25/2024 1:27:33 PM] Certificate Subject Name: CN=Management Info. Consultants, [email protected], O=MIC_CA, OU=IMF, L=Honolulu, S=Hawaii, C=USA
[12/25/2024 1:27:33 PM] Issuer: CN=Management Info. Consultants, [email protected], O=MIC_CA, OU=IMF, L=Honolulu, S=Hawaii, C=USA
[12/25/2024 1:27:33 PM] Serial Number: [redacted[
[12/25/2024 1:27:33 PM]
[12/25/2024 1:27:33 PM] Signing F:\VBA Projects\Checkin_1.3\XLSPadlock_2024_1225\IMFMain.exe
[12/25/2024 1:27:34 PM] SIGNING ERROR:
[12/25/2024 1:27:34 PM] The target file is not writeable because it is being used by another process.
[12/25/2024 1:27:34 PM] Final cleanup…
[12/25/2024 1:27:34 PM] Done

Try to close the destination folder before building the exe.
If the folder where exe is saved is open in Explorer, signing fails sometimes.

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Yes, Explorer can cause the “The target file is not writeable because it is being used by another process” error.

Closed just about everything else open. It worked. Seemed to remember having this problem about a year and a half ago. Thanks.

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