ExeOutput 2 is coming (finally)

Matter of “365 DAYS”…

is coming (2030) :joy: :smile:

We’ll start the Beta on 1st December (2015 yes, not 2030 :no_mouth:)…
The installer is currently about 100 Mb so we’re trying to reduce it a bit…

Thats good to hear looking forward to the beta. I have no issues with a large installer.

Exactly no issue of large installer…
Just share the link to download!

OK, one serious question, what about “HEScript”?
Is HEScript still available in new release or there is some replacement or HEScript with more power???

I am dancing in the rain and waiting on Dec 1. Think I will call in sick to work just for the occasion:)

ExeOutput 2 Beta 1 is available now to registered users. Please check

Thank you for the (long) wait…