Update Notification Concept

I am wondering if instead of a dialog box appearing stating that there are new updates, how about a toolbar button that gets lit when there are new updates?

Perhaps it just adding the script to the button and allowing it to change to a different icon when the update script is set to “true”
and returning to a normal state when the updates are installed.

Something Like this:

Any ideas on achieving this will be greatly welcome. Lets help GDGSOFT continue to make this product better and better. :slight_smile:

Sure, we’ll add a new HEScript event that can be triggered when an update is found and disable the dialog box appearing if another action is performed (such as showing a new Update Ready button).
Thank you for your feedback!

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Anytime guys! Looking forward to this feature :slight_smile:

Are they are plans to release an updated version of HTMLexe with the update notification suggestion and android version? @gdgsupport

Next update of HTMLEXE will include it. Right now, we’re finalizing ExeOutput 2, and HTMLEXE 4.9.2 will follow after that.

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Now that Exeoutput 2 has been released we can expect this new feature for HTMLEXE soon?

Sure, it’s on the road.

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Will this feature with the triggered update button be available in HTML 2018?

Yes, it’s implemented.

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