WordPress Demo for ExeOutput 2 - UPDATED 10/29


As announced previously, ExeOutput 2 is finally coming with a lot of new features and better support for PHP complex websites. It also provides Chromium Engine Framework 3 (CEF3) with multithreading.
Moreover, application UI and PHP are now run in separate processes, which means that if the PHP process has an unexpected crash, it is just restarted while the UI remains stable.

ExeOutput 2 first Beta should be released at the end of October. Because the entire application internals have been rewritten, the Beta phase will be long.

We hope you will be willing to help us tracking possible problems. Thus, here is a first demo of a WordPress-powered website turned into a stand-alone Windows application thanks to ExeOutput 2.

WordPress is free software, and is released under the terms of the GPL version 2 or (at your option) any later version. See license.txt.

WordPress source code can be downloaded for free at https://wordpress.org/

The source code of this sample will be published when ExeOutput 2 is released.


Two versions are available:

Download WordPress demo run with PHP 5.6 (37.1 Mb) - version 1.0.1

Download WordPress demo run with PHP 5.4 (37.0 Mb) - version 1.0.1

Important: by default, debug mode is enabled so errors will be displayed in message boxes.


Download the installer (made with Paquet Builder 3) and run it. The destination folder by default is set to a subfolder in “My Documents” but you can change it. The application must be placed in a folder where it has write access to files because WordPress stores data locally (plug-ins, themes…) and must update its database.

SQLite is used as WordPress database, thus there is no MySQL server required.

Launch the application (wpdemo.exe)

To access the back end of the WordPress website, click “WordPress Admin” and
log in with:

Username: exeoutput
Password: Exo214!

You can then customize WordPress, edit posts…


For this demo, use of the automated update of WordPress is not recommended, because some WordPress core files are compiled inside the EXE file.

It should however be possible to add new plug-ins, update existing ones (except the SQLite one), and themes.

EDIT: updated versions and links.

When I run wpdemoXP.exe, I see a blank page. Then I click the button “WordPress Admin”, I see the following error messages:

I am running it in Japanese environment.

D:\test\테스트\wpdemoXP.exe → ERROR!

The error occurs when executed the program from a directory that contains Unicode (korean language).

refer : (php issue… PHP 7 Support Unicode…)

The problem is with PHP: sometimes, it doesn’t handle paths with Unicode parts correctly.

In your case, what is the language of non-Unicode Programs on your system?

See instructions about how to get it here:

You are right, the problem is with PHP: sometimes, it doesn’t handle paths with Unicode parts correctly.

Change the installation folder to a path without any Korean character.

My locale is Japanese.
And I do not install your demo program in non-unicode path.

And what does happen if you click “PHPInfo” in the toolbar ? Do you see the page or still a blank page?

I see the page:

Thank you.
I’m suspecting that some PHP code used in WordPress is not working properly with paths not using the \ ANSI character.
Still trying to find the culprit.

Hit one potential problem here - got a 64 bit laptop, with the 64 bit version of office2016 which requires alas the 64 bit version of Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 to be installed (latest office2016 update), and don’t think I can have the 32bit version mentioned here installed at the same time as the 64bit version. Is this going to be a problem for office2016 users to run exeoutput applications or even compiler them ?

Alas the only version of this demo I could get to run successfully on my windows 7 pro 64bit laptop was the XP version http://download.exeoutput.com/wpdemosetupXP.exe - will the new version of exeoutput allow me to generate .exe is the same way as your XP demo, if so than personally not fussed using an older version of php for my own applications ? The version for windows 7 etc kept saying the visual c++ library wasn’t installed, when it was installed, but only the 64 bit version not as I think is the case the 32bit version it may have been looking for, and I don’t think you can have both 32 and 64 bit versions installed at the same time ?

I guess this leads on to another question - will you be releasing a 64bit version of exeoutput for php ?

You can install both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 on the same machine. Download and install the 32-bit version. ExeOutput 2 will generate 32-bit applications. Maybe 64-bit in the future if the new PHP system we set up in v2 works fine.

ExeOutput 2 lets you choose which PHP version should be used, up to the new 7 branch. So it’s up to you to choose if you want XP or not.

Got it working - conflict with the runtime library installed by latest update to office 2016. Forced a version update and now fine :slight_smile: Looks great.

Thank you for the update and info about the fix!

We have found the problem and are preparing a fix. It’s a problem with PDO/SQLite used in WordPress.

Please test the new version 1.0.1. It should work now.

Please test the new version 1.0.1. It should work now.

Version 1.1 Test…

  1. unicode path support : support :smile:

  2. POST, GET, REQUEST, FILES suport : support :smile:

  3. Webfont Support : support. :smile:

  4. developer tool : how to close it? can’t find close button. :expressionless:

  5. disappear application icon on task bar. :rage:

  6. php execution time (test.php file location in local “Data” Folder) : too slow… :rage:

  7. application execution : slower then “v1.7.0” :cold_sweat:

When I click WordPress Admin, I see other error messages this time:

When I dismiss two alert messages, I see a blank page. When I click PHP info icon, it works.
Then I click WordPress Admin page icon again, I saw a login form. Then I managed to log on, and I see no furter errors.

Thank you in advance.

maybe php & wordpress issues…
refer this : https://wordpress.org/support/topic/plugin-breaks-on-windows-due-to-phps-directory_separator-constant